четвъртък, 22 май 2014 г.


USA: the Russian gas deal with China is not linked with Ukraine


The deal between Russia and China for 400 billion dollars, which was signed yesterday, is concluded after ten years of negotiations and has nothing to do with the diplomatic pressure in Ukraine., said the American senator John Carry, reported Roiters.
At  a conference in Mexico, where he’s on a visit, Carry announced, that USA doesn’t see a connection between the deal for the shipping  of the Russian gas for China, which was being prepared for 10 years and the situation in Ukraine.
“That isn’t something new. It’s not a surprising response to the current situation.” Noted the U.S senator.
He noted that the US strictly follows if Russia will keep its promise and is going to back up its army, which is situated near the Ukrainian boarders, and if the soldiers will return in their bases. If that happens, it will be a very constructive step, pointed Carry.
The speaker of the National Department, Jen Plasky was also asked to comment the gas deal between Moscow and Beijing. At the conference she announced that the treaty won’t affect the American strategy for putting pressure on Moscow using sanctions, reported ITAR.
As the deal foresees that Russia will have to deliver for the next 30 years a huge amount of gas – about 38 million cubic meters per year – the journalists paid attention to Psaki, that when such a deal exists Russia won’t be afraid of the so-called regional sanctions, which the USA is threatening to put on it for its actions in Ukraine.
The energetic market is global, responded Psaki, but she noted, that the deal isn’t well known by her.   

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