събота, 24 май 2014 г.

Putin: the sanctions against Russia will hit the West as a boomerang

The sanctions against the Russian companies and individuals will have “the effect of a boomerang” for the West. Announced the Russian president Vladimir Putin, at the so-called Russian Dvaos – International economic forum at Sankt Petersburg, quoted CNBC.
“The economic sanctions as an instrument for political pressure in the end will attack the economics of the countries that started them.” pointed out the president. “We gathered here for economic discussions, but we can’t ignore the politic”, noted the president.
He added that Moscow is planning to extend the Eurasian union, in which base will be Russia and China.
Putin also criticized the Ukrainian temporal government, pointing out that the current uneasy situation “is not because of Russia”. According to his words, Kiev “is with abusing with its position”
Meanwhile he called Ukraine for “a constructive dialog”. “I hope that we can have an agreement”, said the Russian president. “Although, as speaking to a family, I can say: they want discount , but they have to pay at least for the period, for which the old prices were actual, when there were discounts. And they don’t want to pay even for that. How can we solve the situation?”
“Practically we were supplying Ukrainian with gas for free. Who would agree with that?”, added Putin,
Despite that the Russian president said that Ukraine is guilty for endangering the supplies of gas for Western Europe. “Russia always has been trying to be a reliable supplier for energy sources for Europe. The current danger for the supplies for Europe occurred not because of us, but let’s says it honestly, it was fault of the transit country – Ukraine, which abused with its position of a corridor for our gas to Europe”. He added.
Despite of the achieved mega-deal with China, Putin’s speech in front of the business leaders comes at a moment of uncertainty for the Russian economy. The investor’s caution for the consequences of the Russian moves in Ukraine, helped the increasing possibility of falling in recession even in the first half of the year.
The inflation in Russia has grown to 7.3% in April, which made the Central Bank take actions, to stop the drop of the Rubles compared with the US dollar.   
Earlier this week Putin announced that the Russian Armies will back up form the boarders with Ukraine in the night before the president elections, which will be this weekend.

I'm getting ready for my finals in English. If you note any mistakes in the translation please let me know! Thanks!


Medvedev: Russia has never guaranteed the Ukrainian territorial integrity


Russia has never guaranteed the Ukrainian territorial integrity, that’s why it can’t be considered as an act against the international treaties. The Russian premier Medvedev said in an interview for the television program “news on Saturday”.
Commenting the memorandum in Budapest, on which the western partners often consider as a link to the Ukrainian crisis, the premier noted that the Russian guarantees are referred to situations in which the sovereignty of Ukraine is threatened for the outside.
“Guarantees for the territorial integrity of a country can be provided only by that very country, its people and its governors”, announced Medvedev,
The Russian premier added that Moscow is ready to negotiate with Ukraine the schedule for its the dept paying, if Kiev starts to pay off, wrote BTA. Medvedev defined as a “game” the request of Kiev before starting the dept paying, to negotiate new payment schedule.
Medvedev advised the Europeans countries to “sit down and to calculate” which import of gas would be cheaper. According t o him the American gas would cost 40-50 % more to the Europeans.
“Our gas-relations with Europe are imperishable. We really count on them, because for us it’s a big and important market.” Added the Russian Premier.

 He insured, that the influence, of the western sanctions to the Russian economic, is minimal, but he underlined that according to Moscow it’s like “an echo of the Cold war”.  

четвъртък, 22 май 2014 г.


USA: the Russian gas deal with China is not linked with Ukraine


The deal between Russia and China for 400 billion dollars, which was signed yesterday, is concluded after ten years of negotiations and has nothing to do with the diplomatic pressure in Ukraine., said the American senator John Carry, reported Roiters.
At  a conference in Mexico, where he’s on a visit, Carry announced, that USA doesn’t see a connection between the deal for the shipping  of the Russian gas for China, which was being prepared for 10 years and the situation in Ukraine.
“That isn’t something new. It’s not a surprising response to the current situation.” Noted the U.S senator.
He noted that the US strictly follows if Russia will keep its promise and is going to back up its army, which is situated near the Ukrainian boarders, and if the soldiers will return in their bases. If that happens, it will be a very constructive step, pointed Carry.
The speaker of the National Department, Jen Plasky was also asked to comment the gas deal between Moscow and Beijing. At the conference she announced that the treaty won’t affect the American strategy for putting pressure on Moscow using sanctions, reported ITAR.
As the deal foresees that Russia will have to deliver for the next 30 years a huge amount of gas – about 38 million cubic meters per year – the journalists paid attention to Psaki, that when such a deal exists Russia won’t be afraid of the so-called regional sanctions, which the USA is threatening to put on it for its actions in Ukraine.
The energetic market is global, responded Psaki, but she noted, that the deal isn’t well known by her.